Friday, January 31, 2014


Congratulations to all of the SHREDDERS who made it through the entire month of January! For the past 31 days you've exercised a tremendous amount of discipline following a list of 10 very simple...yet challenging rules. You suffered through the initial hunger pains as you stretched your fasting window from 8 or 9 hours to 14 or 16 hours. You set aside cravings for foods that you normally would be all over...and you probably had to watch family and friends eat them in front of you. You conquered the dreaded low carb days...UGH! You bought all kind of green thingies on that front isle in the grocery store...many of them you had no idea whether to cook or just eat them raw...but did it! You barely touched out to eat food all month...your grocery bill probably went up...but WOW did you save money on out to eat food!! Finally, you learned how to PLAN your food and stick to it...something that will benefit you tremendously every single month that you take the time to do it.

I'm proud to have been on this journey with you guys and gals...and I am absolutely beside myself with excitement waiting for the actual RESULTS that some of you obtained. I'm also absolutely beside myself with excitement about pigging out at The Melting Pot tomorrow...I won't tell you which I'm the most excited about :)


We will have the FINAL update of our point standing sometime this weekend...that just depends on how quickly you send me your point totals. Do you win anything for having the most points? Nope...but it's fun to win even if you don't actually get anything right?


I STRONGLY encourage everyone who lost weight or lost inches to send me your results, and if you are brave your photos. I want to be able to do a BIG blog post with the progress that each person obtained and maybe get a short write up about your month...maybe something you learned or how you have started a change in lifestyle, etc?

Just the Beginning?

The success of the January Shred, while not official yet - but I've been hearing good things from many of you, has got my wheels turning. If I can find the time to organize some of my thoughts into an actionable plan, the January Shred could be just the beginning of an awesome way to really transform ALOT of people's bodies and help people finally reach their potential. Our Boot Campers would probably be the first benefactors of what I'm thinking about...

Thanks to each and every one of you SHREDDERS. Now my challenge to you is to keep up as many of the good habits that you've practiced over the last month as possible. You know what works now...and you can continue to make BIGTIME progress toward your goals. STAY STRONG AND TRUST THE PROCESS!

- Matt

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