Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January Shred Day 8 - And a little talk about Motivation

Day 8 - Let's talk a little motivation

8 days in and still going strong! Just 23 more days to go on the January Shred, no turning back now! Motivation is a crazy thing...sometimes you are locked in with laser focus on a goal. Temptations and distractions seem to have no power over you. Past success leads to more confidence as you push forward toward your objective with ever increasing momentum. Right now this is how I feel. This train is picking up speed and it is staying on the track baby! Could this change? I'm sure it could...and if it does I'm sure it will be on a low carb day :)

Other times, we just can't seem to muster the willpower to do what we know we need to do to get the results we want. Sure there is some level of desire there...but the drive isn't. Every success seems to be followed by a bigger setback. We start telling ourselves that the effort we have to put in just isn't worth it. Worst of all...we stop believing. We stop believing that we really can achieve the dreams and goals we have. All we can picture is failure...after all, we've failed many times before, so we'll probably fail again. Our hope fades...and we give up.

So how do you get yourself motivated if you aren't? That is the Million Dollar Question. There are a lot of really smart people who have written books with their answer to that question. Some of those answers work for a lot of people...but no answer works for everybody, and sometimes even if it is the right  message for the right person...the timing isn't right. Ultimately, motivation that lasts is comes from within. That means that there isn't really an answer to the Million Dollar Question. Because it isn't an's a decision...a choice...your choice!

You get to decide if you are going to put in the blood, sweat and tears it takes to achieve the results you desire. You get to decide if those desires are more important than the distractions. If your triumph is more important to you than your temptations. You choose if you are willing to push through the pain in order to progress. No one can do it for you...but the awesome flip side of that is NO ONE CAN STOP YOU!

So it all comes down to this. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you really want. Do you really want to be healthy and in shape? Do you really want to fit into those pants or do you want those 6-pack abs? Or what ever else it is... Because if you are going to put away all of the excuses and the obstacles, and you are going to get it done. It is a as simple as that. If you are serious about it, you're going to get it done. No excuses needed.

Trust the Process

I am an Auburn fan, but we've all heard about Nick Saban and "The Process." In case you have been living under a rock, Nick Saban has become one of the most successful college football coaches of all time, winning 3 National Championships in the last 5 years. Saban credits his success to something he calls "The Process." I'll paraphrase, but essentially, in "The Process," Saban tells his players to ignore the circumstances, ignore the results...and singularly focus on doing their individual job flawlessly. He tells his players to live in the moment, and to play their role the very best they can every single time. He doesn't want them thinking about the last play, or the next play. He doesn't want them looking at the scoreboard or the clock.

The reason Saban does this is because he knows that if everyone does what they are supposed to do, they'll be successful. He doesn't want his players dwelling on past successes or failures...he wants them focusing on what they can control...and that is the moment they are in. The scoreboard doesn't matter, because everyone should be playing their assignment to the best of their ability whether they are winning by 40 or losing by 40.

Can Nick Saban Help you Lose Weight and Get in Shape?

Saban doesn't win every game, but his philosophy, when bought into, provides a level of success that is undeniable. I think when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape, we could learn a lot from Nick Saban. If you find a "Process" that works...follow the process and don't get distracted. Don't dwell on what happened last play (don't dwell on past failures). Don't worry about the scoreboard (don't worry if the scale says you didn't lose as much as you think you should have, etc). And do your job every play of the game (don't quit until you have finished!). I think some people just don't understand that getting the body you want will take consistent effort over time. Far too many people begin a successful process, but then quit too early because their expectations are too great. So...for all of those doing the January Shred, or maybe you have some other plan you are following...if you know the plan will work...then TRUST THE PROCESS AND DO YOUR JOB!

My Plan for the Day

5:30am - Strength Training (Legs)
7, 9 and 11:00am - BCAA's
12:00pm - Turkey sandwich on Jewish Rye Bread w/ provolone, light olive oil mayo and spinach + protein and oats w/ milk + 1 small peanut butter protein bar.
4:00pm - Honeycrisp Apple + Muscle Milk + 1 small peanut butter protein bar
6:30pm - Grilled Chicken + Sweet Potato + Steamed Cabbage
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Scripture for the Day

I Corinthians 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

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