Friday, April 13, 2012

Day #5

8:20am Update:

Woke up and weighed myself this morning. I was planning on waiting until Sunday for the weekly weigh in, but I couldn't wait...wanted to know if I had gained, maintained, or lost. The scale said 190lbs, down 2.4lbs from last Sunday. That can't be true weight loss, because I'm pretty sure I'm eating enough to not have an 8,400 calorie deficit in 5 days. What is more likely is a fluctuation in water/food, but just in case I brought EVEN MORE food today. Hopefully when I weigh in Sunday I'll be up just a bit from 190lbs. It that doesn't work, I'm going to have to look into some high density calorie meals that are low in fat.

Today I'm going to work out back and biceps at lunch. We have a small gym here at work that has dumbbells up to 50lbs. If you get creative with that, you can get in a pretty good little workout. Fasted training toward the end of the fasted cycle is supposed to be the most efficient time for fat burning because the vast majority of the energy expelled should come from fat stores. I'll take 10g of the Xtend BCAAs at 11:45am, just before the workout, then eat like a horse right after, approximately 12:45pm. Yohimbine supplementation at 7am, 9am, and 11am today.

1:25pm Update:

Today is probably the toughest day since I started I.F. For some reason I felt hungrier today, and then I got a headache, which didn't help. I took my BCAAs and then did a quick 30 minute workout at lunch. I just ate lunch and I am stuffed. Here is what was on the menu today: protein shake, turkey sandwich, PB&J sandwich, banana, multi-grain wheat thins, yogurt w/ granola added, 3 fig newtons (multigrain). I R FULL!

8:50pm Update:

Long day today...felt tired a good part of the day, and still feel pretty tired now. Not sure if that has anything to do with the I.F. or not. Going to watch a movie and hit the sack. Sticking with the fast on the weekend!

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