Saturday, January 11, 2014

January Shred Day 11

Day 11

Day 11 and still doing well on the shred. Missed a point yesterday by not getting  2 servings of green veggies in, but got them in tonight. Also had a great day at the gym today! I was a little concerned that running a daily caloric deficit for the last 11 days would negatively affect my strength in the gym, but I had a few personal record lifts. On squats, I've recently been focused on going much deeper, well below parallel to about 10-11 inches off the ground. For a dude with long legs...that is DEEP. When I did this I obviously couldn't lift as heavy as I was lifting. My heavy set has been 315lbs, and in previous weeks going deep I got it 1x, 3x the following week, then back to 1x the week after that. Today I got 5 reps, then did a rep of 335lbs. GAINS!!!

Hope everyone else is doing really well on their shred. 11 days in, and only 20 to go! On Wednesday of this week we'll already be half-way through the month!!! Stay on the plan! Remember, it isn't just about collecting the points, it's about getting results! Leigh and I had a good cheat meals and no eating out. Leigh lost a few points due to missing a workout or two and breaking her fast early one day...but still a good week!

My Schedule for Today

9:00am - Strength Training (Legs)
12:00pm - Protein and Oats + 5 egg omelet w/ ham and cheese + 2 heart healthy pancakes w/ just a bit of syrup + orange pineapple juice
3:30pm - Honeycrisp apple + mozzarella stick + 2 peanut butter protein bars + muscle milk
6:30pm - Healthy gumbo w/ brown rice + broccoli + zuccnini
7:50pm - Protein shake w/ milk

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