Friday, January 31, 2014


Congratulations to all of the SHREDDERS who made it through the entire month of January! For the past 31 days you've exercised a tremendous amount of discipline following a list of 10 very simple...yet challenging rules. You suffered through the initial hunger pains as you stretched your fasting window from 8 or 9 hours to 14 or 16 hours. You set aside cravings for foods that you normally would be all over...and you probably had to watch family and friends eat them in front of you. You conquered the dreaded low carb days...UGH! You bought all kind of green thingies on that front isle in the grocery store...many of them you had no idea whether to cook or just eat them raw...but did it! You barely touched out to eat food all month...your grocery bill probably went up...but WOW did you save money on out to eat food!! Finally, you learned how to PLAN your food and stick to it...something that will benefit you tremendously every single month that you take the time to do it.

I'm proud to have been on this journey with you guys and gals...and I am absolutely beside myself with excitement waiting for the actual RESULTS that some of you obtained. I'm also absolutely beside myself with excitement about pigging out at The Melting Pot tomorrow...I won't tell you which I'm the most excited about :)


We will have the FINAL update of our point standing sometime this weekend...that just depends on how quickly you send me your point totals. Do you win anything for having the most points? Nope...but it's fun to win even if you don't actually get anything right?


I STRONGLY encourage everyone who lost weight or lost inches to send me your results, and if you are brave your photos. I want to be able to do a BIG blog post with the progress that each person obtained and maybe get a short write up about your month...maybe something you learned or how you have started a change in lifestyle, etc?

Just the Beginning?

The success of the January Shred, while not official yet - but I've been hearing good things from many of you, has got my wheels turning. If I can find the time to organize some of my thoughts into an actionable plan, the January Shred could be just the beginning of an awesome way to really transform ALOT of people's bodies and help people finally reach their potential. Our Boot Campers would probably be the first benefactors of what I'm thinking about...

Thanks to each and every one of you SHREDDERS. Now my challenge to you is to keep up as many of the good habits that you've practiced over the last month as possible. You know what works now...and you can continue to make BIGTIME progress toward your goals. STAY STRONG AND TRUST THE PROCESS!

- Matt

Monday, January 27, 2014

January Shred Week 4 Point Totals

Hey Shredders,

Sorry, my daily blog updates have crashed and burned. I am getting completely annihilated at work and have been working a bunch of extra hours. Crazy thing is that I'm just getting further and further behind even though I'm working at a frantic pace. It is a good problem to have to be so bear with me and finish this shred strong even though I'm not exactly Mr. Motivation right now.

Here are your week #4 point totals!!!

Lacresha Merkle 35 40 56 51 182
Nick Merkle 35 40 56 51 182
Jessica Drosyk 28 50 50 51 179
Matt Abele 31 50 49 48 178
Vanessa Rogers 25 52 49 50 176
Audra Laking 29 49 46 51 175
Leigh Abele 31 47 48 47 173
John Drosyk 26 47 47 46 166
Barry Jones 31 49 47 38 165
Rachel Jones 30 47 46 38 161
Nathan McMullin 27 49 40 42 158
Carole Nettles 20 39 42 42 143
Jonathan Martin 22 27 42 39 130
Bobby Brown 23 39 26 38 126
Natalie Ivy 19 31 36 40 126
Richard Rogers 26 29 35 36 126
Alyson Yarema 0 43 33 45 121
Tracy Allgrove 11 34 33 40 118
Bryan Isbell 25 32 19 30 106
Cindy Greer 26 31 20 25 102
Julie Owens 0 26 31 27 84
Anita Jones 32 46 0 0 78
Hayley Lavendar 0 19 20 26 65
Meredith Renfro 31 32 0 0 63
Kimberly Nichols 28 34 0 0 62
Daryl Greer 24 18 14 0 56

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January Shred Day 23

Day 23

Day 23 with only 8 days to go! They say it takes 21 days to form an effective habit, so by now everyone ought to have settled into this Shred thing and is going strong! For me, focusing on the results I'm after versus the points I'm collecting or what I'm giving up is the best approach. Today is a low carb day, but instead of being miserable all day because I can't have carbs, I just remind myself that these are the days that fat dies!!!

I'm also trying something today I don't normally do...well actually a few things. I'm going to go workout in Boot Camp this evening (normally don't workout in the evenings) and today is a low-carb day. Yes, I'm going to go bust my tail this evening with little to no carbs in me :) I should burn a lot of fat, but I expect to be completely worn out by the time this day is over.

My Plan for Today

12:00pm - Chicken salad made w/light olive oil mayo and sweet relish + lots of spinach + protein shake w/ water
4:00pm - Muscle Milk Light
5:30pm - BOOT CAMP!
7:15pm - Grilled chicken + steamed broccoli.
7:45pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Stay strong SHREDDERS!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January Shred Day 22

Day 22

So I haven't really been blogging as much lately...I've been SUPER BUSY and working longer hours at my full-time job. It is a good thing...but man would I be ok with a slow day or two here and there. Today is day 22, which means there are only 9 days left to go!!!! WE ARE IN SINGLE DIGITS!!!

Just some anecdotal information. I don't know how much weight/inches Leigh has lost, but I can visibly see changes since we started this thread. I don't notice my changes as much, but I am pretty sure my love handles have gone down a little bit. Still 9 more days to build on that!

My Plan for Today

5:15am - Strength Training (Legs)
7:00am - 1/2 scoop of protein w/ water (<75 calories). Since I had a heavy leg workout this morning I decided to get in a little more protein for the day, and fitting it in the fasting window makes that easier to do.
12:00pm - Protein and Oats w/ milk + Turkey and Ham on Jewish Rye w/ provolone, spinach and light olive oil mayo + mozzarella stick + peanut butter protein bar
4:00pm - Honeycrisp apple + Muscle Milk Light
6:30pm - Grilled chicken + brussel sprouts + red potatoes?
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Monday, January 20, 2014

January Shred Week #3 Point Totals!

We are 20 days into the Shred, and only have 11 days to go! We've still got 26 Shredders in the game. We either lost about a dozen along the way, or they just haven't been concerned about the points. If someone didn't have any points by this week, I left them off the list.

Remember, as I keep on saying...points are great...but RESULTS are what we are after. At the end of this month that is what we really want to see! Great job everyone who is keeping their heads in the game! Keep at it! 11 days to go! TRUST THE PROCESS! #SHRED!

Week #3 Point Totals

Barry Jones 31 53 51 135
Lacresha Merkle 35 40 56 131
Nick Merkle 35 40 56 131
Rachel Jones 30 51 50 131
Matt Abele 31 50 49 130
Jessica Drosyk 28 50 50 128
Leigh Abele 31 47 48 126
Vanessa Rogers 25 52 49 126
Audra Laking 29 49 46 124
John Drosyk 26 47 47 120
Nathan McMullin 27 49 40 116
Carole Nettles 20 39 42 101
Richard Rogers 26 29 35 90
Bobby Brown 23 39 26 88
Natalie Ivy 19 31 36 86
Anita Jones 32 46 0 78
Tracy Allgrove 11 34 33 78
Cindy Greer 26 31 20 77
Alyson Yarema 0 43 33 76
Bryan Isbell 25 32 19 76
Meredith Renfro 31 32 0 63
Kimberly Nichols 28 34 0 62
Julie Owens 0 26 31 57
Daryl Greer 24 18 14 56
Jonathan Martin 22 27 0 49
Hayley Lavendar 0 19 20 39

Congrats to Barry still holding the lead. We've got less than 2 weeks to go. DON'T LET UP NOW!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Shred Day 19

Day 19

Wow what a day so far. I had the opportunity to get up on stage at church this Sunday and talk a little about physical training and how it relates to spiritual training. One of the verses I shared was Hebrews 12:11 that talks about discipline. I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't want to be healthy and be in great shape...but the reality is we Americans are more obese and have more health problems than we've ever had. So desire isn't takes discipline! I appreciate Pastor Mike Mozingo (Journey Church in Prattville) for inviting me to come up and share.'s the beginning of a new week, and only 2 weeks left on the January Shred! Sometimes it is hard to see and feel the results you are making because change takes place gradually. That is also how some of us gain so much weight and can get out of just seems to sneak up on you. I know I've made progress on the Shred, but looking in the mirror I can't really notice much. Of course, there are still 2 more weeks, and I know the measurements will tell the real story...but I am definitely expecting to drop a % point or more of body fat. Ideally my goal is to get back under 10%. Regardless, this has been a great way for me to get back on track with better eating habits. Leigh and I have talked, and even after the shred is over, we're still going to keep up with some of the rules like planning healthy meals, low carb days, and less eating out. We both want to continue to make progress towards our goals. Of course, we're going to celebrate our successes a bit with some awesome food first :)

My plan for the day

6:45am - Coffee with allowable amount of creamer <75 calories
11:30am - Strength training (Chest & Triceps)
12:45pm - Taco soup made w/ ground turkey + protein and oats w/ milk
3:45pm - Honeycrisp apple + protein shake w/ milk
6:00pm - Chicken and blackbean tacos w/ lettuce and spinach salad on the side
7:00pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Scripture for the Day

As mentioned above, I had the opportunity to talk at church this morning, and one of the verses I talked about was from Matthew 7:24-27. I brought this up in the context that when trying to get in shape and lose weight, you have to have a plan that has a foundation for success. The wise builder had a good plan with a solid foundation. The foolish builder had a poor plan. In both cases the results were predictable. The take wise and have a foundation in the truth!

Matthew 7:24-27
24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

Friday, January 17, 2014

January Shred Day 17

Day 17

17 days down, only 14 more days to go!!! That means just 2 more weeks! I can already feel/see some results, and I expect the next 14 days to be even better! In just 2 weeks I'll be able to celebrate by having some of this...

That's right...a number of us Shredders are planning an EPIC celebration dinner at The Melting Pot on February 1st. It is going to be GLORIOUS!!!

My plan for today

5:30am - High intensity workout (Boot Camp)
6:45am - Strength training workout (Back and Biceps)
12:00pm - Turkey and ham sandwich on Jewish Rye bread w/ provolone cheese, light olive oil mayo and spinach. Protein and Oats shake w/ milk + 1 peanut butter protein square
4:00pm - Honeycrisp apple + Muscle Milk Light
6:00pm - Healthy taco soup made with ground turkey + steamed broccoli
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Shred Day 16

Day 16

OVER HALF WAY THROUGH THE MONTH!!!'s all downhill from here. Hopefully by now everyone has settled into a "routine" and has a good level of comfort with the plan. For those of you who don't know...a good number of us are planning on celebrating the completion of the January Shred with a dinner at The Melting Pot. Every day is one day close to that awesomeness! So just 15 days to go!!! on to today. Today is another low carb I think I'm trying to keep from getting I might be in a slightly sour mood today. BUT...I'm going to make the decision to be positive and happy instead of giving into the urge to be a grump. No one likes a grump. So today I'm going to:

  • Take responsibility for raising my energy level and enthusiasm.
  • Stay positive and remind myself of all the things I have to be thankful for.
  • Not allow myself to complain.
  • Focus on "I get to" versus "I have to."
  • Smile and Laugh as much as possible.

My Plan for Today

4:45am - 45 minutes of running around setting up a circuit for Boot Camp
12:30pm - Chicken salad w/ light olive oil mayo and sweet relish + spinach + protein shake w/ water
4:00pm - Muscle Milk Light
6:00pm - Ham, cheese and spinach omelets w/ 3 eggs and 3 egg whites
7:00pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Scripture for the Day

I haven't been as consistent as I'd like to be on posting daily scripture or a spiritual thought with each of my daily updates. I will do better!

James 2:14-19 (NLT)
14 What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? 15 Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, 16 and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
17 So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.
18 Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”
19 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. 20 How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January Shred Day 14

Day 14

Another Tuesday...which means another low carb day for me. I don't see any major problems with the plan for today other than my walking time. I typically want to do my 30-45 minute walk right before lunch, however, we have some interviews scheduled during lunch at work today and I've got to help coordinate those. That means I can't leave and jump on the treadmill. Looks like I'll just have to get my walk in when I get home this evening. Maybe take the family out for a walk in the neighborhood. 14 days in with only 17 left to go...still going strong.

Beware of out to eat food!

Is it any wonder why during the January Shred I'm discouraging you from eating out? Even when you try to make a healthy choice, the foods you eat are just LOADED with calories. Case in lunch from yesterday. I went out to lunch yesterday for a friend's birthday, and we went to Newk's restaurant. Figured a chicken sandwich and a bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup wouldn't be too bad. After all, I wasn't getting a burger, I was choosing soup instead of chips or fries, and I was drinking water, not tea or coke, and I most certainly wasn't getting a dessert. Now, this isn't my first rodeo, so I knew a bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup is going to add a few hundred calories, but I was still a little shocked when I saw the nutritional values later. That tiny little chicken sandwich with a cup of soup was over 1,500 calories! It made me many people struggle with losing weight and are just dumbfounded as to why they can't do it. They tell me they eat really healthy, and make good choices in out to eat food when they eat out...but still...they can't lose the weight. Well...if you eat out regularly, this is why! Out to eat food is a nuclear bomb of calories! Even after the January Shred is over, make some lifestyle changes so that you eat out less frequently. Your body will thank you for it.

My plan for today

12:00pm - Tuna salad (tuna w/ light olive oil mayo + sweet relish) w/ spinach and lettuce + protein shake w/ water, not milk :(
4:00pm - Muscle Milk Light
5:30pm - 30 minute walk
6:30pm - Pork Tenderloin + brussel sprouts
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Monday, January 13, 2014

January Shred Week #2 Point Totals

Shredders, here are the point totals for the second "week" of the January Shred! It's great to see so many people tracking and keeping up with the plan. These points reflect January 1st through Saturday, January 11th. Still 20 days left to gather points. Remember though, the points, while fun to keep up with for accountability and competition, ultimately mean nothing. We are after results, and we hope to be able to share some awesome results at the end of the month!


Barry Jones 31 53 84
Matt Abele 31 50 81
Rachel Jones 30 51 81
Anita Jones 32 46 78
Audra Laking 29 49 78
Jessica Drosyk 28 50 78
Leigh Abele 31 47 78
Vanessa Rogers 25 52 77
Nathan McMullin 27 49 76
Lacresha Merkle 35 40 75
Nick Merkle 35 40 75
John Drosyk 26 47 73
Meredith Renfro 31 32 63
Kimberly Nichols 28 34 62
Bryan Isbell 25 32 57
Cindy Greer 26 31 57
Richard Rogers 26 29 55
Carole Nettles 20 34 54
Natalie Ivy 19 31 50
Jonathan Martin 22 27 49
Tracy Allgrove 11 34 45
Alyson Yarema 0 43 43
Daryl Greer 24 18 42
Julie Owens 0 26 26
Bobby Brown 23 *TBD *23
Ricky Higby 7 16 23
Hayley Lavendar 0 19 19
Ashley Wilcox 0 0 0
Bethany Freeman 0 0 0
Brandon Morehouse 0 0 0
Davita Duval 0 0 0
Frances Morris 0 0 0
Jeff Wilcox 0 0 0
Kate Geesy 0 0 0
Lisa Busler 0 0 0
Matt Cowell 0 0 0
Melissa Jinright 0 0 0
Pauline Meadows 0 0 0
Terri Perry 0 0 0

Congrats to Barry on holding a lead after week #2! Keep up the good work!


January Shred Day 13

Day 13

I didn't blog yesterday...had a pretty productive day getting things cleaned up around the house and then had some people over. I could have squeezed in an update, but figured everyone would probably survive without a daily update on what I did :)

Today is a friend's Birthday, so I'm going to burn an out to eat meal on taking him out to lunch. Won't be able to get my 7 points for not eating out for the week...but don't want this to be a cheat meal either. I'm attempting not to have any of those until after the Shred. I'm going to try to make a reasonable decision...will probably try to get some kind of a chicken sandwich or something that isn't terrible.

BTW...updated January Shred points will be posted sometime later on today!

My Plan for Today

5:30am - High Intensity Exercise (Boot Camp)
6:45am - Strength Training (Back)
12:00pm - Newk's Chicken Sandwich + protein and oats w/ milk
4:00pm - Honeycrisp apple + muscle milk + peanut butter protein square
6:30pm - Turkey Burger w/ wheat bun + lettuce/spinach + baked potato + roasted broccoli
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January Shred Day 11

Day 11

Day 11 and still doing well on the shred. Missed a point yesterday by not getting  2 servings of green veggies in, but got them in tonight. Also had a great day at the gym today! I was a little concerned that running a daily caloric deficit for the last 11 days would negatively affect my strength in the gym, but I had a few personal record lifts. On squats, I've recently been focused on going much deeper, well below parallel to about 10-11 inches off the ground. For a dude with long legs...that is DEEP. When I did this I obviously couldn't lift as heavy as I was lifting. My heavy set has been 315lbs, and in previous weeks going deep I got it 1x, 3x the following week, then back to 1x the week after that. Today I got 5 reps, then did a rep of 335lbs. GAINS!!!

Hope everyone else is doing really well on their shred. 11 days in, and only 20 to go! On Wednesday of this week we'll already be half-way through the month!!! Stay on the plan! Remember, it isn't just about collecting the points, it's about getting results! Leigh and I had a good cheat meals and no eating out. Leigh lost a few points due to missing a workout or two and breaking her fast early one day...but still a good week!

My Schedule for Today

9:00am - Strength Training (Legs)
12:00pm - Protein and Oats + 5 egg omelet w/ ham and cheese + 2 heart healthy pancakes w/ just a bit of syrup + orange pineapple juice
3:30pm - Honeycrisp apple + mozzarella stick + 2 peanut butter protein bars + muscle milk
6:30pm - Healthy gumbo w/ brown rice + broccoli + zuccnini
7:50pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Friday, January 10, 2014

January Shred Day 10

Day 10

10 days in and only 21 days to go. Before you know it we will be half way through the January Shred! Don't let fatigue get to you...keep working the plan. The sacrifices you are making will be well worth the results you are going to achieve. KCSO - Keep Calm and Shred On!

Today is going to be an awesome day! Got in my Boot Camp workout this morning and did some strength training afterwards. Brought my lunch again and so far I haven't eaten out at all this week...and won't this weekend either. I'm getting all 7 points baby!!! Also, what I'm most excited about is Leigh will be making her healthy gumbo tonight, and that stuff is so dang good you forget you are actually eating a healthy meal. It is one of my favorite things to eat ever. Boiled chicken, turkey sausage, and pretty much everything else is veggies. Serve it over brown rice....DELICIOUSNESS. The only problem is I still need to get in a green veggie with it, so we're going to be roasting some zucchini to go with it. No idea how roasted zucchini will taste with gumbo...but we'll see. As far as the recipe...I have no idea how to make it. Maybe you can hit Leigh up on Facebook if you want the recipe.

My Plan for the Day

5:30am - High Intensity Exercise - Boot Camp
6:45am - Strength Training (Back and Biceps)
12:00pm - Turkey and ham sandwich on Jewish Rye bread w/ provolone, light olive oil mayo and spinach + Protein and Oats w/ milk. + 1 peanut butter protein square.
4:00pm - Honeycrisp apple + Muscle Milk Light + 1 peanut butter protein square.
6:30pm - Gumbo (chicken and turkey sausage + veggies) + brown rice + a few ritz crackers + zucchini.
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January Shred Day #9 - The Grind!

Day 9

Today is "The Grind" for me. This is going to be my most challenging day of the Shred so far...but coming off  of my extremely confident post yesterday, I am still feeling pretty good. What makes today so tough? Well...for starters, it is my second low carb day of the week. The second one is always harder for me. Next, we have a lunch and learn at work today, and the presenter is bringing in lunch. It is sure to be something tasty, that I obviously am not able to have. So...I've got my home made chicken salad w/ lettuce and spinach ready to go. To add to that, my company was recently awarded a contract, and when that happens we throw a champagne party with tons of delicious finger foods. I'll also be abstaining from all of that deliciousness. So with temptation all around me...I'm still not giving in. Focused on the goal, and trusting in the process...22 more days to go!

HOWEVER...Leigh and I have an awesome treat awaiting us tonight! We bought some 8oz Filet Mignons which we are going to pan sear and bake. I won't lie...a little bit of butter might be included :) We're also going to bake some asparagus with it. Low carb, yet DELICIOUS!!!

My Plan for Today:

4:55am - 30 minute walk / running around setting up stuff for Boot Camp
12:00pm - Chicken salad (chicken w/ light olive oil mayo and a tablespoon of sweet relish) + full serving of lettuce and spinach + 24g protein shake w/ only water :(
4:00pm - Muscle Milk Light
7:00pm - Filet Mignon + asparagus
7:45pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January Shred Day 8 - And a little talk about Motivation

Day 8 - Let's talk a little motivation

8 days in and still going strong! Just 23 more days to go on the January Shred, no turning back now! Motivation is a crazy thing...sometimes you are locked in with laser focus on a goal. Temptations and distractions seem to have no power over you. Past success leads to more confidence as you push forward toward your objective with ever increasing momentum. Right now this is how I feel. This train is picking up speed and it is staying on the track baby! Could this change? I'm sure it could...and if it does I'm sure it will be on a low carb day :)

Other times, we just can't seem to muster the willpower to do what we know we need to do to get the results we want. Sure there is some level of desire there...but the drive isn't. Every success seems to be followed by a bigger setback. We start telling ourselves that the effort we have to put in just isn't worth it. Worst of all...we stop believing. We stop believing that we really can achieve the dreams and goals we have. All we can picture is failure...after all, we've failed many times before, so we'll probably fail again. Our hope fades...and we give up.

So how do you get yourself motivated if you aren't? That is the Million Dollar Question. There are a lot of really smart people who have written books with their answer to that question. Some of those answers work for a lot of people...but no answer works for everybody, and sometimes even if it is the right  message for the right person...the timing isn't right. Ultimately, motivation that lasts is comes from within. That means that there isn't really an answer to the Million Dollar Question. Because it isn't an's a decision...a choice...your choice!

You get to decide if you are going to put in the blood, sweat and tears it takes to achieve the results you desire. You get to decide if those desires are more important than the distractions. If your triumph is more important to you than your temptations. You choose if you are willing to push through the pain in order to progress. No one can do it for you...but the awesome flip side of that is NO ONE CAN STOP YOU!

So it all comes down to this. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you really want. Do you really want to be healthy and in shape? Do you really want to fit into those pants or do you want those 6-pack abs? Or what ever else it is... Because if you are going to put away all of the excuses and the obstacles, and you are going to get it done. It is a as simple as that. If you are serious about it, you're going to get it done. No excuses needed.

Trust the Process

I am an Auburn fan, but we've all heard about Nick Saban and "The Process." In case you have been living under a rock, Nick Saban has become one of the most successful college football coaches of all time, winning 3 National Championships in the last 5 years. Saban credits his success to something he calls "The Process." I'll paraphrase, but essentially, in "The Process," Saban tells his players to ignore the circumstances, ignore the results...and singularly focus on doing their individual job flawlessly. He tells his players to live in the moment, and to play their role the very best they can every single time. He doesn't want them thinking about the last play, or the next play. He doesn't want them looking at the scoreboard or the clock.

The reason Saban does this is because he knows that if everyone does what they are supposed to do, they'll be successful. He doesn't want his players dwelling on past successes or failures...he wants them focusing on what they can control...and that is the moment they are in. The scoreboard doesn't matter, because everyone should be playing their assignment to the best of their ability whether they are winning by 40 or losing by 40.

Can Nick Saban Help you Lose Weight and Get in Shape?

Saban doesn't win every game, but his philosophy, when bought into, provides a level of success that is undeniable. I think when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape, we could learn a lot from Nick Saban. If you find a "Process" that works...follow the process and don't get distracted. Don't dwell on what happened last play (don't dwell on past failures). Don't worry about the scoreboard (don't worry if the scale says you didn't lose as much as you think you should have, etc). And do your job every play of the game (don't quit until you have finished!). I think some people just don't understand that getting the body you want will take consistent effort over time. Far too many people begin a successful process, but then quit too early because their expectations are too great. So...for all of those doing the January Shred, or maybe you have some other plan you are following...if you know the plan will work...then TRUST THE PROCESS AND DO YOUR JOB!

My Plan for the Day

5:30am - Strength Training (Legs)
7, 9 and 11:00am - BCAA's
12:00pm - Turkey sandwich on Jewish Rye Bread w/ provolone, light olive oil mayo and spinach + protein and oats w/ milk + 1 small peanut butter protein bar.
4:00pm - Honeycrisp Apple + Muscle Milk + 1 small peanut butter protein bar
6:30pm - Grilled Chicken + Sweet Potato + Steamed Cabbage
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Scripture for the Day

I Corinthians 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January Shred Day 7

Day 7

Today is a low carb day....of course it is! I'm so glad I've got almost 40 accountability partners...because if not, there is no way I'd be able to stay low carb today. It's cold outside and I took the day off...all I really want is some yummy warm carbs. BUT...that can't happen today:

I hope everyone else is hanging in there on the Shred. If you can make it through a low carb day, you can do just about anything!!! STAY STRONG PEOPLE! Remember, burning fat isn't always pleasant...but having a healthy body is definitely worth it!

My Plan for the Day:

11:15am - 30-45 minutes on the treadmill
12:00pm - Leftover chicken stuffed with spinach, pepperjack cheese and ham + steamed broccoli
4:00pm - Muscle milk
7:15pm - Grilled chicken salad w/ a little ranch dressing.
7:45pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Macros: Carbs - should be less than 30g. Protein - should be 120g +

January Shred Rule #10: Eat Out Only 2 Times per Week

Missed the Introduction to the January Shred? Click HERE.

Eat out only 2 times per week. Once during the week and once on the weekend

In my humble opinion, this might be the most difficult of all of the 10 rules. This is a tough one because it requires extremely good planning and discipline. Even without trying, I probably eat out 5 or more times per week. Some people I know eat out every single day...seriously...every day. The problem is out to eat food is designed to taste really good, and to not spoil quickly. Therefore, these foods are typically LOADED with calories, unhealthy carbs and fats.

Truth be told, there really aren't many healthy options out there...but there are a few. For your out to eat during the week, make a good decision. For example, a low calorie sub at Subway on wheat bread. Like anything else though, you have to watch the condiments. For your out to eat meal on the weekend, you are allowed to cheat in order to keep your sanity...but just restrict it to that one meal...not an all day calorie stuffing binge.

What about that cheat meal?

So much to say about the cheat meal... First of all, if you somehow think the cheat meal will spike your metabolism, throw your body off balance and actually help you burn more fat and lose more're fooling yourself. It's a great thought, but a cheat meal where you consume a bunch of calories does in fact work against your goals. Then why even have one? Well...if you don't need one, don't take one. But, some people will simply quit if they don't get a pizza or a burger from time to in the long run, cheating once per week is a whole lot better than quitting the plan all together. Especially since the way some of us eat...every meal is a cheat meal :)

At your cheat meal, anything is allowed. That means if you want to drink a coke or a tea...go for it...that won't count against your points. Want dessert with your it! BUT...the rule is you need to keep it to 1 meal. Not a window of a few hours where you just eat whatever you want. We want to try to minimize the damage somewhat.

Saving some serious cash!!!

Even though we have a budget and try to avoid out to eat food...we usually spend $200 to $300 a month on out to eat food. Kinda ridiculous since I already think we spend too much on groceries. If you don't budget, or aren't really trying to limit how much you eat are probably spending even more! So what happens if you cut it down to eating out 2 times per week or less? You save a bunch of money!!! So what are Leigh and I doing with the extra money we are going to save this month? I'll tell you later :)

How you know if you are performing Rule #10 successfully

Alright now, some of you campers out there (you know who you are) are really stretching on this one. I had someone ask me if they bought a salad at Chick-fil-a if it counted as eating out. Um...yes...if you purchased your food from a restaurant, you ate out. So here is the breakdown of how you can earn points for this rule each week.

If you don't eat out at all in a week, you earn 7 additional points for the week.
If you eat out one time in a week, you earn 6 additional points for the week.
If you eat out two times in a week, you earn 5 additional points for the week.
If you eat out more than two times in a week, you don't earn any additional points for the week.

Helpful Tip

WARNING: Some people end up adhering much better to a plan when they DON'T CHEAT AT ALL. Sometimes, having that cheat meal just wets the appetite for more bad stuff. So, know what works for you, and do what you know is going to be best for you to be successful on the Shred!

Scripture for the Day

Proverbs 6:9-11

Monday, January 6, 2014

January Shred WEEK #1 POINT TOTALS

Alright Shredders, here are the point totals for the first "week" of the January Shred! Just like football, whoever has the most points at the end of the month wins! What do you win??? Um...pride??? Bragging rights??? These points only reflect Wednesday, January 1st through Saturday, January 4th. From here on out, you are tracking Sunday through Saturday as a week. Each week I'll post the total points you've earned for the month.

There is a TON of time left, so even if you had a slow start, there is plenty of time to make it up. Also, keep in mind that while we are tracking points for accountability and competition purposes, the ultimate goal, and the reason you signed up for this craziness, is to SHRED FAT! You are doing that even if you aren't in first place!


Lacresha Merkle 35
Nick Merkle 35
Anita Jones 32
Barry Jones 31
Leigh Abele 31
Matt Abele 31
Meredith Renfro 31
Rachel Jones 30
Audra Laking 29
Jessica Drosyk 28
Kimberly Nichols 28
Nathan McMullin 27
Cindy Greer 26
John Drosyk 26
Richard Rogers 26
Bryan Isbell 25
Vanessa Rogers 25
Daryl Greer 24
Bobby Brown 23
Jonathan Martin 22
Carole Nettles 20
Natalie Ivy 19
Tracy Allgrove 11
Ricky Higby 7
Alyson Yarema 0
Ashley Wilcox 0
Bethany Freeman 0
Brandon Morehouse 0
Davita Duval 0
Frances Morris 0
Hayley Lavendar 0
Jeff Wilcox 0
Kate Geesy 0
Lisa Busler 0
Matt Cowell 0
Pauline Meadows 0
Sandra Walters 0
Terri Perry 0

Congrats to Lacresha and Nick on a great start. However, you two are on vacation this week...I do believe that will give some others the opportunity to catch up!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Shred Day 5

Don't expect to see visible results after just 5 days. The results will come! Your efforts are not in vain! TRUST THE PROCESS!

Day 5

I wasn't a very good blogger today...stayed pretty busy all day long. I really planned to do a better job at this daily blogging and motivation thing, and I think once we get this session of Boot Camp kicked off I'll have a bit more time to do that.

Looking forward to tallying all of the points tomorrow!

Here was what I did today

7:45am - Coffee with an acceptable level of creamer
11:00am - Strength Training (Chest/Triceps)
12:00pm - Protein and Oats w/ milk + turkey and ham sandwich on chibatta bread w/ spinach, cheese, and a tablespoon of ranch dressing.
3:00pm - Protein bar + milk + muscle milk + apple
7:00pm - Baked chicken breast stuffed with pepperjack cheese, ham and bellpepper + steamed broccoli and carrots
7:45pm - Muscle Milk

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January Shred Day 4

Day 4

Looking forward to today! Got a high intensity exercise session at 9am, followed by some strength training (legs) right after that. Then, for lunch...CHIPOLTE!!! WOOP! I'll update more later.

Update 8:47pm: It's later...but not really a whole lot to blog about tonight. Tomorrow, I should have a lot  more to blog about since scores are due!!!

My Schedule for Today

9:00am - Boot Camp Bonus Workout (high intensity)
10:15am - Legs (strength training)
12:00pm - Protein and oats w/ milk + Chipolte: chicken burrito w/ brown rice, cheese, sour cream, corn salsa, lettuce, blackbeans + chips and guacamole + coke (this is my cheat meal)
4:00pm - Muscle Milk + apple + 3 protein bars w/ milk
6:30pm - Leftover spaghetti + broccoli
7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Friday, January 3, 2014

January Shred Rule #9: Eat 2 to 3 Servings of Green Vegetables Per Day

Missed the Introduction to the January Shred? Click HERE.

Eat 2-3 Servings of Green Vegetables Per Day

Say what? Green veggies? Does eating 3 slices of supreme pizza count? Seriously, when is the last time you ate 2-3 servings of green vegetables in a day? Can't remember can you? Now look, I'm not about to go all vegetarian or vegan on you, but most likely you don't get nearly enough vegetables in your diet. If I'm being honest...neither do I...and that is to our detriment. Green veggies are extremely low calorie, but are also nutritious and very filling. When you make it a point to eat 2-3 servings of these little beauties each day, you are helping to avoid the more calorie dense foods that can throw off your weight loss and fat loss plan. "Well I don't like green veggies...they taste nasty!" (insert whinny 5 year old voice here and begin stomping feet). Changing  your body is going to require you to change some of your habits. If you keep doing what you've always done, your going to keep getting what you've always got!

So, try adding veggies to some lean protein and you have a filling meal that is also low calorie! Some ideas: broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, green beans, peas, lettuce, collards, leeks, etc.

How you know if you are performing Rule #9 successfully

Simple...I'll even break it down step by step for you. 1) Go to grocery store. 2) Put green veggies in your basket. 3) Purchase green veggies. 4) Take green veggies home with you. 5) Store green veggies in refrigerator. 6) Find serving size for appropriate green veggies. 7) Prepare and eat 2 to 3 of said servings of green veggies every day. If you do this, you earn your veggie point for the day. If you don't, start back at step 1 and repeat until you get this right!

Helpful Tip

You have to find out what veggies you like so you don't feel like you have to choke down a handful of sod at every meal. Broccoli is my go to. I love this stuff. We have a pampered chef steamer and it only takes 5 minutes to steam a bunch of broccoli. Put a small amount of butter and a little salt or lemon pepper seasoning and BOOM! Low calorie awesomeness. If you are unfamiliar with how to prepare various veggies, just go online and do some google or youtube searching.

January Shred Day 3

Day 3

Oh yeah baby...back to a normal day! I get to lift weights and get to eat is good! Seriously, yesterday was the easiest low carb day I've ever had...and I was strict on myself too. I really think holding myself accountable to all you "Shredders" out there has helped with my discipline and motivation. I'm really excited about the results I'm going to get....and equally excited to see all of the results that you Shredders are going to have! Keep working hard!

My Plan for Today

Here is my schedule for today (January 3rd):

5:15am - Strength Training - Back and Biceps

12:00am - Lunch - Turkey and Ham sandwich with provolone, light mayo and spinach on Jewish Rye Bread + Protein and Oats shake with milk.

4:00pm - Muscle milk light + Honeycrisp Apple

6:30pm - Whole grain spaghetti with ground turkey + side salad

7:30pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Scripture for the Day

Proverbs 3:25-26 "Do not be afraid of sudden fear Nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; For the Lord will be your confidence And will keep your foot from being caught."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January Shred Day 2

Update 9:13pm

Highly successful low carb day! Ended up hitting my meal and exercise for the day exactly as planned. I can feel the fat MELTING!! Well...not really...but obviously burned a bunch of fat today due to low carb/calories and 30 minutes of cardio. GOOD DAY! 2 down 29 to go!!!

Day 2

This is where the rubber meets the road...low carb days! I also try to go as low calorie as possible on my low carb days to promote even more fat loss. I'm definitely going to get a good shot of caffeine today because I'll be weak and tired later in the day due to the lack of carbs and low calories. Usually I am fine through lunch, but late afternoon and early evenings are a struggle. Glad I have my wife doing this with me...she'll help hold me accountable when I get home from work and will be craving carbs!

Hope everyone else got off to a good start. If not, no worries, the month just started...plenty of time to get big results!

Tips for Lunch

Had a Shredder (that's what I'm going to start calling you guys/gals who are doing the January Shred) ask me for some lunch suggestions because that is what she struggles with the most. Here are some ideas:

  • Leftovers - If you are cooking a healthy dinner with some lean proteins like chicken, etc, make extra so you can take it for lunch the next day.
  • Homemade Sandwiches - Pick up some low calorie/low carb bread and make a turkey sandwich. Throw some lettuce or spinach on it to make it more filling and to get in a serving of green veggies. If you want a larger sandwich than just putting it on plain old wheat bread, try Jewish Rye. At 14 carbs per slice, and less than 1g sugar, it is a better choice than most other premium breads.
  • Salads - Salads are filling, and by adding some grilled chicken or ham/turkey you can have a low calorie yet filling lunch that also helps you get in your veggies and protein. Just be careful with the salad dressing. Go light so you don't go crazy on all those calories.
  • Low Carb Meals - Salad as mentioned above. Also, buy some cans of tuna or chicken and you can make your own tuna or chicken salad. Add in some boiled egg whites for more protein and it becomes a much more filling meal larger meal. I usually eat my tuna or chicken salad with some salad (mix of lettuce/spinach/broccoli on a low carb day.
Hope this helps some. There are plenty of other good options, but these are usually my go to ideas for lunch.

My Plan for Today

Here is my schedule for today (January 2nd):

12:00am - 30 minute walk/jog

12:40pm - Tuna salad (canned tuna w/ a little olive oil mayo) w/ lettuce, spinach and broccoli salad. Protein shake made with water.

4:00pm - Muscle milk light

6:00pm - Baked chicken breast stuffed with spinach and pepperjack cheese + steamed broccoli and carrots.

7:45pm - Protein shake w/ milk

Total Carbs - 35g, Protein - 150g

Scripture for the Day

James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January Shred Rule #8: Eat Plenty of Protein

Missed the Introduction to the January Shred? Click HERE.

Eat at Least .6g of Protein per Pound of Body Weight (or 150g if you weigh 250lbs or more)

One of the keys to burning fat and maintaining a low body fat % long term is maintaining your lean muscle mass. The more lean mass you have, the higher your metabolism will be, and the more calories you will burn at rest. Every day you should try to get plenty of protein so that you are able to maintain, and possibly even build lean muscle. Shoot for .6g or more per pound of body weight. Those who are doing heavy strength training may shoot for .8g or more per pound of body weight. Getting your protein through lean meats (chicken, fish, lean pork, lean ground turkey, lean beef) is the best source. After lean meats, egg whites and low fat dairy (skim or 1% milk, low fat mozzarella cheese and Greek yogurt), and then of course you can supplement through protein powders/shakes. Protein is also the most satiating macro-nutrient, so it will make you more full than carbs and fats.

Basic Info about Protein Supplementation

I've had someone ask me a few questions about protein supplementation, so I thought this post was appropriate to address some of those questions.

Should I take protein powders?
If you are unable to obtain enough protein through your diet, then I think supplementing through protein powders is a good strategy. If you are able to get enough protein without supplementation, then save your money.

Which is better, whey or casein?
The primary difference between whey and casein protein is the speed at which your body is able to break it down and utilize it. Whey protein is absorbed faster and therefore is usually the choice by most people who workout as a pre and post-workout supplement. Casein breaks down more slowly, and is usually marketed as a supplement that you take before bedtime that your body will break down slowly while you sleep. Is one better than the other? Eh...not really. Many protein powders actually offer a mix of whey and casein, such as MusclePharm Combat Protein. There are also powders made with Soy protein, but generally that is considered a lower quality protein, and from my experience, the taste is terrible.

What brand is best?
Depends on which supplement company you ask :) There are plenty of good protein blends out there. Everyone has their own preferences, so I'd probably just leave it at that...find something you like. The only piece of advice I'd offer is look at the nutritional values. You want to find something that has very few carbs and fats...and is primarily protein. Optimum Nutrition is one of the cleanest (low calories, carbs and fat) protein powders I've found that also tastes good.

How you know if you are performing Rule #8 successfully

Pretty simple. Track your protein and eat at least .6g every day. Or, if you weigh 250lbs or more, you will want to get in 150g of protein. If you eat less than that, you don't get credit for completing rule #8 and no points for you!

Helpful Tip

Build all of your meals around a good lean protein source (meat). Consider boiling some egg whites and eating those if you are needing to fit some more protein in (6g protein per egg white). Low fat mozzarella cheese sticks have about 8g of protein and are usually about 80 calories.

Scripture for the Day

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction."