Monday, December 30, 2013

January Shred Rule #5: Plan Your Food Every Day!

Missed the Introduction to the January Shred? Click HERE.

Plan your food every day!

If you don't have a plan for success, you have effectively created a plan for failure. Plan out all of your food for the day at least the day before and then stick to it. Impulse eating is so dangerous because you probably won't impulse eat a few broccoli will be cookies or candy or something like that. It is amazing how much we plan various areas of our lives, but sometimes when it comes to something like food, we fly by the seat of our pants and then throw whatever looks good into our stomach. This is a bad plan. If you are married, sit down with your spouse and plan your meals for the upcoming week. You are going to need to have your spouse's buy in on this if you want to be successful. If you are single, you just have to convince yourself...good luck with that :)

How I suggest you start planning your food

Matt & Leigh's meal plan for the January Shred
If you really want to be successful, plan out your dinners for the ENTIRE MONTH. I know that will take a little bit of time, but it will be well worth it, and you'll also save some grocery money! How about that?!?! Get in better shape and save some money! #WINNING!

If you have a calendar, write down what you plan to eat each evening. While you are at it, plan out which days of your week are going to be the "rest days" where you aren't doing Boot Camp or strength training. These are your low carb days, so you'll definitely need to plan well for those days. Not sure what has carbs? You may need to do a little research and learn how to read food labels; but fruits, sugars, breads and starches are things you'll want to avoid on a low carb day. Basically, stick to lean meats and veggies and you're likely to be successful there.

As you can see, the photo to the right is the meal plan Leigh and I came up with. This is only dinners, so lunch I'll have to plan out as well. The dates that are circled (Tues & Thurs) are our low carb meals. You'll notice there are no potatoes and rice on those days. You'll also notice I can't spell very well without if you feel the need to call me out on that go ahead, you won't be telling me anything I don't already know :) You will also notice that I can basically eat the same types of foods over and over without going completely insane. That is both good and bad. If you have a lot more variety in your meal plan...awesome! I'll freely admit we don't experiment a whole lot with food, so our "go to" healthy meals are fairly limited.

How you know if you are performing Rule #5 successfully

In order to avoid losing a point for not properly performing Rule #5 on a given day, you'll need to have a plan for what you are going to eat by at least the night before. That means before you wake up tomorrow morning, you have already planned out your meals and any snacks that you are going to eat for the day. Then the have to stick to it! If you break the plan and impulse eat on something you shouldn't, you cannot take credit for successfully completing rule #5.

Helpful Tip

Don't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. Bad choices that you could normally pass on look down right irresistible when your stomach is growling. Try to shop after a meal, and make a list and stick to the grocery list! If there is bad food in the house, I'm going to find it and I'm going to eat it. The solution? Don't put bad food in the house!

Scripture for the Day

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

You need other friends in your life to stand with you. There is strength in numbers. Whether your application is having other friends to support your health and fitness journey, or your spiritual growth...don't try to do it alone!

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