Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day #13

1:25pm Update:

On the way to the gym this morning I saw a bumper sticker that said the following: "The party in hell has been cancelled due to fire." I kind of chuckled to myself thinking it was clever, but then immediately afterwards began to think past the clever sticker about the reality of the place we call hell. It is certainly no laughing matter. If you believe in God, you probably also believe that hell exists and it is a real place...the scriptures tell us so. I've had conversations with people, even friends, who believe that because God is a good and loving God, He would never send a "reasonably good" person to hell. Unfortunately, while these people rightly realize that God is good and loving, they fail to realize that God is also righteous and just. He has set the record straight on who will go to heaven, and who will go to hell. Here is the verse that came to my mind after seeing this bumper sticker:

Matthew 13:49-50 "So it will be at the end of the age; the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Those who are not righteous before God will be cast into hell, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. That certainly doesn't sound like a party to me! So you might be saying to yourself..."ok, so no problem...all we have to do is be righteous right? I'm a pretty good I gotta be at least close." I've got some unfortunate news for you there...the Bible also tells us in Romans 3:10 that "there is none righteous, not even one." So does this mean we have no hope? Are we all destined for eternal destruction in hell? Believe it or not...the choice is yours...and yours alone!

You see, God, because He is a good and loving God, sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins, so that you could be righteous before God. I Corinthians 5:21 says: "He (God) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." Another verse that speaks the good news of the gospel is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

The gift of salvation is available to all mankind...but you have to accept it. Have you??? 


Myself, Leigh, and my brother Steve ran a 5k this morning. Leigh and I ran it fasted, and seemed to do pretty well. Leigh really pushed it, proud of her for not giving up. I took 10mg Yohimbine before the run. Afterwards, I was contemplating whether or not to do my leg workout at the gym...after all, I knew fasted training after the 5k would be a challenge. Ultimately, I decided to go ahead and do it, just see how I felt once I started lifting. I took 10g of my Amino Energy BCAAs and hit the gym. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to still lift the same weight, I just purposefully didn't do as many reps because I could feel fatigue setting in. I also did a bit of shoulders, but not tracking weight on that just yet. Afterwards 10mg more Yohimbine, 30 minutes later 10g BCAAs, and then once more on both of those before lunch at 12. Had a pretty good lunch (about 1350 calories, 250g carbs, 22g fat, and 66g protein). Here is what I did in the gym for legs. 

Squats (free weights)
135lbs - 8 reps (warm up)
235lbs - 8 reps
265lbs - 8 reps
295lbs - 6 reps
315lbs - 4 reps

Front Squats (free weights, full range of motion)
145lbs - 8 reps
155lbs - 8 reps
165lbs - 6 reps
175lbs - 4 reps

Last Saturday night I ate a big Red Robin Cheeseburger...I might have to do that again tonight :)

7:45pm Update:

Change of plans. I looked up the fat content of the Red Robin burger I ate last week...holy lard monkeys! Burger and fries together had nearly 100g of fat. That is twice the amount of fat you should have in a day...and probably well over the saturated fats. So...I made my own burger at home. Used lean ground beef, whole wheat bun, turkey bacon, 2% cheese slice..etc. Just for fun, I even put a fried egg on it. Probably had about 1/4 the fat content of the Red Robin burger...and did it taste just as good????

No...of course it didn't. That is why the Red Robin burger has over 80g of fat! :)


  1. keep up the good work, both the scripture message and the workouts! you and Leigh inspire more people than you know. - Carole

  2. Thanks Carole! You got a little of that inspiration thing going on too ya know.
