Monday, February 24, 2014


I am trying to find some time to do a March Shred video...but until then, you can check out the video I made for the January Shred HERE. It is pretty similar, but I made a few tweaks for the March Shred.

Our January Shred was so successful, that we are bringing it back in March! Summer is just around the corner, and now is the time to drop those pounds and shred the fat so that you aren't afraid of the beach or the pool this summer. 

Remember, the March Shred is not a crash is 10 simple rules that you'll need to follow every day during the month of March. Fair warning, while the plan is simple, that doesn't mean it won't be tough. There is no magic pill you can take to get in shape, and the only free thing I know of is salvation. Other than that, you've got to put in the work for whatever it is that you want. This will take hard work and a whole lot of discipline, but if you stick with it, you'll see some fantastic results and gain some serious momentum toward your health and fitness goals!

Here are the 10 rules:

The first 3 are exercise related, and the last 7 are nutrition related. That isn't by accident. Exercise is very important, but you can't out-exercise bad eating habits. 
  1. Perform at least 2 High-Intensity exercise sessions each week - Boot Camp is considered a high-intensity exercise session, so for those of you doing Boot Camp, don't miss a workout! Click HERE for more details on Rule #1.
  2. Strength training at least 2 days per week outside of Boot Camp - Strength training provides a "double" calorie burn because you burn calories while performing the exercise, and you continue to burn calories at rest while your body repairs the muscles you broke down during strength training. Click HERE for more details on Rule #2.
  3. Walk on your rest days - On the days you don't do Boot Camp or strength training, get in a 30-45 minute low intensity walk. This will help you burn more calories without sacrificing your body's need to recover. Click HERE for more details on Rule #3.
  4. Intermittent Fasting - Say what? Yes, a daily fast. Because intermittent fasting (IF) is not mainstream (yet), you may not have ever heard of it. Intermittent fasting is a going to be a major key to your fat burning potential. Click HERE for more details on Rule #4.
  5. Plan your food every day! - If you don't have a plan for success, you automatically have created a plan for failure. Plan out all of your food for the day at least the day before and then stick to it. Impulse eating is so dangerous because you probably won't impulse eat a few broccoli will be cookies or candy or something like that. If you really want to be successful, plan out your meals for the entire month. Also, never go grocery shopping when you are hungry! Click HERE for more details on Rule #5.
  6. Don't eat or drink "empty" calories - Start off with this one by not drinking your calories. That means coke, tea, and alcoholic beverages are off limits. Also, avoid any unnecessary snacking. You don't need to eat every few hours just for the heck of it...and if your stomach growls a little here and there that isn't a bad thing. Click HERE for more details on Rule #6.
  7. Avoid carbs on your rest days - On the days you don't do Boot Camp or strength training, try to go as low carb as possible. You'll definitely need to plan ahead for these days as the majority of the foods you probably like to eat are loaded with carbs (I know that is the case for me). If you have to have a few carbs that is ok, but shoot for 50g of carbs or less on these days. may need some extra caffeine on these days because your energy levels will be lower due to the reduced carbs. Click HERE for more details on Rule #7.
  8. Eat plenty of protein - Every day you should try to get plenty of protein. Shoot for .5g or more per pound of body weight. If you weigh more than 300lbs, shoot for a total of 150g protein per day. Getting protein through lean meats (chicken, tuna, lean pork, lean ground turkey, lean steak) is the best source. Next is egg whites and low fat dairy (milk, cheese), and then of course you can supplement through protein powders/shakes. Click HERE for more details on Rule #8.
  9. Eat 2-3 portions of green veggies per day - Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, green beans, peas, lettuce, collards, leeks, etc. Green veggies are extremely low calorie, but are also nutritious and very filling. When you make it a point to eat 2-3 servings of these little beauties each day, you are helping to avoid the more calorie dense foods that can throw off your fat loss plan. Add veggies to some lean protein and you have a filling meal that is also low calorie! Click HERE for more details on Rule #9.
  10. Eat out less than 2 times each week - This is a tough one because it requires extremely good planning and discipline. Even when you eat out, make a good decision. For example, a low calorie sub at Subway on wheat bread. You are allowed 1 cheat meal per week, but restrict it to a cheat meal...not a cheat day. Click HERE for more details on Rule #10.
So there you have it. 10 simple rules that are much easier to type out than they are to follow. If you can keep all 10 rules for the entire month of March, you are going to shred some serious fat.

Want to join in? Here is what you need to do:

E-mail me at to let me know you are participating in the March Shred. I'd also suggest taking a picture of yourself, weighing yourself and trying to get any measurements you can. That way if you get big results at the end of the Shred, you can see on paper exactly how much weight/inches you lost, etc.

Oh yes, we are keeping score!

We are going to be keeping score, and each week you'll be able to track your points to see how well you are doing. Those who are participating will receive a tracking spreadsheet and will report points on a weekly basis.

Join the SHREDDERS Group on Facebook!

One of the very best things we did during the January Shred was form a Facebook Group where we can all encourage and hold each other accountable. If you are on Facebook, you NEED to join this will help you make it through the month successfully! LET'S DO THIS!

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